Welcome to From Fertility to Delivery

Start Your Spiritual Fertility Journey with Dayna Ruben

Hey there, lovely souls! Welcome to this sacred space guided by me, Dayna Ruben. I’m so thrilled to have you join me on this beautiful journey of nurturing your mind, body, and spirit to navigate the miraculous path of fertility and childbirth. Whether you’re just starting out on this adventure or you’ve been on this road for a while, know that you’re in a safe and supportive environment where I will honor and celebrate your unique journey. Take a deep breath, explore, learn and let’s embark on this magical exploration together.

what is

Spiritual Fertility

Starting a family is not just about the physical aspects of conceiving, but also about nurturing your mind, body, heart, and soul to create the perfect environment for welcoming new life. I will help lead you through healing exercises and other spiritual practices that will help you connect deeply with your inner self, release any blocks or fears, and cultivate a sense of peace and balance within. By tapping into your spiritual essence, you’ll be paving the way for a more connected and harmonious path to parenthood. The son or daughter you are meant to have is waiting for your acknowledgement of their existence as you embark on starting a family or growing your family. Will you extend an invitation to them and welcome them with open arms? Are you ready to initiate, foster and nurture a relationship with the soul of your baby before they come earthside? I have created courses and healing exercises that revive and bring back to life the ancient ways of conscious conception.

Won’t you join me to start your Spiritual Fertility journey?

About Dayna Ruben

Hi! I’m Dayna Ruben. My own personal spiritual fertility journey began when I became pregnant with my first son at the age of 38, and at 40, I welcomed another healthy baby boy into the world with my 41-year-old husband. These experiences shifted my perspective on fertility and childbirth, leading me to embrace two unmedicated natural vaginal births using Blissborn hypnosis for birth. With both deliveries lasting under 3 hours, one in a hospital and the other at home, I realized the profound energetic alignment that occurs between parents and their unborn babies, manifesting a safe and wholesome pregnancy and delivery.

My journey through labor and delivery was not without its fears, but I drew strength from the lineage of strong women in my ancestry, including grandmothers who birthed multiple children at home in the Caribbean islands. Their resilience and DNA flow through me, reminding me of the innate power within every woman to navigate childbirth without relying solely on modern medical interventions.

Through extensive research and personal experience, I discovered that women and parents possess more agency in the fertility and birth process than society leads us to believe. I challenge the limiting narratives propagated by the fertility and labor/delivery industry, advocating for a return to natural and spiritual methods of conception and childbirth that honor the sacred connection between mother and baby.

My life’s purpose is to guide women in reconnecting with their innate spiritual and mental empowerment, dismantling societal constructs of fear and doubt surrounding fertility and childbirth. By embracing spiritual fertility practices and hypnosis for childbirth, I empower women and couples to reclaim their birthright of confident and aligned childbirth experiences, free from external influences and limitations. Let’s journey together from fear and doubt to empowerment and alignment with the futures we desire and deserve.

My Empowered Mamas

class offerings

get ready to embark on this soulful adventure with me

Spiritual Fertility

Let me take you on a journey to the authentic truth of how to get pregnant. Building a relationship with your unborn baby’s spirit is the most important task on the fertility journey. Let’s complement what you are already doing to get pregnant and help you make your dreams come true!

Welcome Your baby

Welcoming your baby is the first step on your fertility journey and family planning goals. It is the conscious and deeply spiritual invitation you extend to your future baby. This introductory course walks you through the foundations of preparing to welcome your future child earthside.

Blissborn hypnosis

Is Birth Broken? Did God give us the gift as women to create a life inside of us and leave us in fear without the tools to bring that life into the world? The answer is NO! Come with me on a quest to find the TRUTH about childbirth! Take your power back using Blissborn Hypnosis for birth!

Work 1-on-1 with me

Let's connect and work together

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Let me support you and teach you on your unique Spiritual Fertility journey!

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videos & Podcasts

Spiritual guidance and practical exercises