Blissborn Hypnosis with Dayna Ruben

Hi! I’m Dayna Ruben. My own personal spiritual fertility journey began with Blissborn Hypnosis when I became pregnant with my first son at the age of 38, and at 40, I welcomed another healthy baby boy into the world with my 41-year-old husband. These experiences shifted my perspective on fertility and childbirth, leading me to embrace two unmedicated natural vaginal births using Blissborn Hypnosis.

I realized the profound energetic alignment that occurs between parents and their unborn babies, manifesting a safe and wholesome pregnancy and delivery.

I discovered that women and parents possess more agency in the fertility and birth process than society leads us to believe. I challenge the limiting narratives propagated by the fertility and labor/delivery industry, advocating for a return to natural and spiritual methods of conception and childbirth that honor the sacred connection between mother and baby.

By teaching you the Blissborn Hypnosis methods and practice, I will empower you and your partner to reclaim their birthright of confident and aligned childbirth experiences, free from external influences and limitations.

Let’s journey together and learn Blissborn Hypnosis. 

what is

Blissborn Hypnosis

Blissborn is a childbirth education class emphasizing the power of the mind to create a blissful birth. As students learn how to use self-hypnosis, they’ll unlock that power for themselves. Blissborn helps you discover that hypnosis and childbirth are a perfect match. For every challenge childbirth presents, hypnosis has an answer. It’s fun and exciting to help you find your own solutions.

Blissborn combines the best of science, medical knowledge, mind-body therapy and childbirth education in a fun and inspiring class. It presents simple but powerful techniques to manage the seemingly paradoxical relationship between staying in control and simply allowing birth to happen. These techniques benefit the baby as well, by reducing the causes of distress and helping to create a calmness that often persists well into the first year. The tools you learn benefit families by deepening the bonds that brought you to this high point in your life. The result is a class series that not only improves birth, but also improves lives.

Most problems in the delivery room begin with negative programming and expectations (fear), too much involvement by the conscious mind, and reliance upon human interventions. The medical model does a good job of supporting the physical aspects of birth, but it often disregards the spiritual, emotional and social aspects. While a healthy mother and baby are always the main goal, birth can and should be so much more!

Blissborn Hypnosis with Dayna Ruben

Your investment: $299 

What's included:

  • Class includes all Blissborn course materials 
  • 5 virtual classes 
  • 3 Zoom sessions with Dayna 
  • Unlimited email support

Please enroll at least TWO WEEKS before you would like to start the classes as the course materials must be mailed to you.  

About the Course:

Blissborn traditionally offers 5 in-person classes with up to 15 hours of total intruction.  The ideal time to start these classes are at the end of your 2nd trimester and beginning of your 3rd trimester. After 20 weeks and before 35 weeks pregnant is advisable. 

Dayna offers 5 virtual anytime classes, 3 phone sessions to discuss your progress and unlimited email support. 

Each interactive class is approximately 2 hours long and will be from the safety and comfort of your own home. 

What Will YOU Learn:

Blissborn Hypnosis gives women a safe and natural way to:

  • Control sensations
  • Relax deeply
  • Shorten labor
  • Honor their instincts
  • Get in touch with spiritual, emotional and social needs
  • Deepen the bond with their babies
  • Release fears and increase confidence
  • Reprogram expectations
  • Create a subconscious blueprint for the desired birth
  • Reduce interventions and complications
  • Speed healing
  • Reduce postpartum depression