what are the

Healing Exercises

Much of the healing we need comes in the form of energy.  Energy blocks are a large part of unexplained infertility and deep fears around childbirth. Healing exercises with Dayna Ruben offer you a safe environment to heal many subconscious blocks you have buried in your mind, your soul contracts and your ancestral DNA lineage.  Some of these experiences include:

  • Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Birth loss of any type
  • Pregnancy or Childbirth Trauma
  • Vows taken in a past life
  • ALL Subconscious blocks to fertility & childbirth
  • ALL Ancestral DNA blocks in your lineage

Investing in these healing sessions will help you peel the layers off the “Unexplained Infertility” that can not be diagnosed.  I invite you to take a look at the unknown fertility issues that are not physical in nature, but are blocking your physical manifestation of becoming pregnant.  For it is in the shadow work that we find the deepest healing for our mind body and soul!

Or Work with Dayna 1-on-1

Hi! I’m Dayna Ruben. My own personal spiritual fertility journey began when I became pregnant with my first son at the age of 38, and at 40, I welcomed another healthy baby boy into the world with my 41-year-old husband. These experiences shifted my perspective on fertility and childbirth, leading me to embrace two unmedicated natural vaginal births using Blissborn Hypnosis.

I realized the profound energetic alignment that occurs between parents and their unborn babies, manifesting a safe and wholesome pregnancy and delivery.

I discovered that women and parents possess more agency in the fertility and birth process than society leads us to believe. I challenge the limiting narratives propagated by the fertility and labor/delivery industry, advocating for a return to natural and spiritual methods of conception and childbirth that honor the sacred connection between mother and baby.

By teaching you my Spiritual Fertility methods and practice, I will empower you and your partner to reclaim their birthright of confident and aligned childbirth experiences, free from external influences and limitations.

Let’s start your Spiritual Fertility journey!

Akashic Records Clearing

About this healing exercise:

The Akashic Records hold ALL contracts and lifetimes you have ever lived. You may have some old outdated contracts that are blocking your energy and alignment to become a parent.  In this healing exercise we will venture to the Akashic Records and permanently clear outdated and old contracts that are inhibiting your fertility.

What You Will Heal:

  • Remove your fertility/infertility subconscious blocks
  • Clear old contracts that no longer serve you
  • Address and clear old stories that no longer serve you around getting pregnant
  • Release trauma bonds formed in other lifetimes that inhibit fertility
  • Work with your high self to enhance your innate ability and birthright of fertility

Inner Child Healing

About this healing exercise:

The inner child is the essence of you from ages zero to around seven or eight years old, FROZEN in time.  Your inner child holds all the memories, emotions and feelings that happened to you during these early and tender ages of 0-8.  The inner child loves to play, laugh, be adventurous and silly.  The events that happened in your early years act as the bedrock and foundation of your subconscious mind for the rest of your life.  Any trauma, hurt or dysfunction can settle in the subconscious and lay dormant until you revisit that which hurts you and heal, remedy and transform your emotional wounds.  

What You Will Heal:

  • Establish a connection with your inner child, your higher self, your spirit baby and you in your present moment of today
  • Create a safe space to clear any trauma and create lasting bonds together in your subconscious mind
  • Transmute any current situation or emotional block no matter when it happened in our lifetime  

Trust Your Body Healing

About this healing exercise:

In this exercise we go deep into the cells of the body and marinate them with full body trust and wellbeing. This healing exercise is designed to open up blocks in the body due to past trauma and disappointment. Whether you are just starting out on your fertility journey or you are experiencing infertility, this healing exercise meets you where you are and elevates you to an alignment with your God/Goddess given birthright of fertility! This healing exercise can be experienced with your partner.

What You Will Heal:

  • Focus on creating a safe healing space for the womb, ovaries, sperm and your nervous system
  • Envisioning a healthy reproductive system down to the cellular level and energetic level
  • Transform the trust you have for your body and your partner’s body